Dinesh is a Barrister & a Solicitor, often handles complex law cases including court cases. 

Legal Practice Areas

Dinesh is Lawyer

An Australian Lawyer with over 20+ years of experience. Areas of practice include Litigation, Family law , Criminal Law , Commercial and Property law, Estate law and Immigration law. Dinesh is one of only 21% of migration law Counsels with such experience in Australia.

He is renowned for providing excellent results for his clients. Do not miss out on this amazing opportunity to meet him in person and get quality advise.

Dinesh Weerakkody LLB; PDLP
Barrister & Solicitor (An Australian Legal Practitioner)
An Australian Migration Lawyer (Former MARA # 0742843)

Former Lecturer │ Unit Convenor │ Swinburne University Law School
Academic in Law │ Deakin University

President – LawHelp Australia
Former Treasurer – Eastern Suburbs Law Association (ESLA) of LIV
Law Institute Migration Law Committee – Member
Executive producer: CH31 TV LawHelp programme

From General Skilled Migration to PR options, from complicated matters to complex immigration jurisdictional law issues and Federal Circuit Court matters, he covers it all.